Dr. Leonardo Pardo We have a long standing collaboration with Dr. Pardo’s group to study and test molecular models of GPCR homo and hetero dimers. Laboratory of Computational Medicine
Dr. Manuel Guzmán We have an important collaboration with Dr. Manuel Guzmán to explore the changes in cannabinoid receptors in neurological diseases. UCM | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dr. Patricia Pérez Galán Dr. Patricia Pérez Galán is an important collaborator for one of our cancer projects. Together we are exploring the efficacy of targeting GPCR heteromers as therapeutic targets. IDIBAPS | Patricia Pérez Galán
Dr. Cristina Sánchez Dr. Sánchez has been an inspiration for us to expand our studies into tumour biology. We have several collaborations exploring novel heteromers and their role in tumour growth. UCM | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dr. Stephane LeFrancois We have a running collaboration with Dr. LeFrancois to study the cellular trafficking of GPCRs. HMR | Centre de Recherche Hopital Maisonneuve-Rosemont